Eastern Sectionals

We went to Eastern Sectionals in Boston.  Ana and Ben did Intermediate Pairs (and placed 3rd), and Ben also competed Intermediate Mens singles.  It was a tough week – Ana had gotten the flu the week prior and was still coughing and miserable during the competition.  Ben did not catch it (fortunately!  lots of orange juice!) but he was a bit tired from skating both programs, since USFS scheduled Intermediate Mens and Intermediate Pairs the same day.

They pushed through and got it done, tho, and were very happy with their skates all things considered.

Plus, my dad came up from New York to see them, which was very nice.


Pirates and Pools

Day one of our Eclipse trip – we drove through Ohio, had dinner at a Culver’s near Cincinnati, and ended the day in an awesome pirate ship themed hotel room at Wildwood Inn in Kentucky.  The hotel room has a loft with a bed and sitting area upstairs, bunkbeds under the stairs, more beds downstairs, and is painted and decorated like a pirate ship throughout, complete with rigging and sails and lamps that look like oil lamps.  It’s very awesome.  Plus, there’s a pool and a hot tub and air hockey.  And good free wifi.  Too bad we are only here for one night!