
We've all been enjoying gardening this year, and we now have a pretty good assortment of vegetables.  Since this is our first year gardening in Pittsburgh, we tried a little of everything.

The peas were delicious but we didn't have nearly enough of them.  Vine beans were wonderful and steady producers.  Bush beans, tho, not so good — lots of space for one crop of beans and then nothing. 

Corn was great, and the sunflowers were super-tough and resiliant — they were eaten down to nubs by deer while we were in DC, and to my great surprise they grew back and proceeded to make many nice flowers with big seed heads.

The cucumber vines were also victims of the deer, but we did get several nice cucumbers.

Ana picks a cucumber

De goes to Gymnastics Camp

De left today to spend a week at the International Gymnastics Camp.  She’s really looking forward to it.  An entire week of 6+ hours a day of gymnastics, plus all kinds of other things like canoeing, rock climbing, swimming, and other activities.  I dropped her off (after a 6 hour drive — it’s in the Pocanoes, on the other side of the state, ugh), and got a few pictures.

De at Gymnastics Camp

De at Gymnastics Camp

De at Gymnastics Camp

De at Gymnastics Camp

Visit to D.C.

We had a very nice week-long visit with Lunn’s parents in Fairfax.  The girls each picked someplace to visit during the trip. Ana picked the Dulles Air & Space Musuem, and Jenya wanted to visit the Woodrow Wilson House and the National Cathedral.  At Jenya’s request, I also took her to the Holocaust museum.  It was intense, of course, and Jenya seemed to find it a bit overwhelming but very worthwhile.

Jenya at Holocaust Museum

The girls and I also had a nice visit with my friend Lynch and his two boys.  We spent the day at a local waterpark.  The girls got on well with the boys.  The twins had fun running around with his youngest, and Jenya bonded over ‘droid games with his oldest.

Jenya & Stephen

We also found time for Dale and Lunn to give the girls a lesson in guns and gun safety.  Our Wexford neighbors have teen boys who had been running around shooting bb guns in our neighborhood, so we figured it was high time the girls learned what guns really are, how they work, and how to handle them safely.

Gun Safety

All in all it was a very nice week.

Lestinas in Fairfax