Visit to D.C.

We had a very nice week-long visit with Lunn’s parents in Fairfax.  The girls each picked someplace to visit during the trip. Ana picked the Dulles Air & Space Musuem, and Jenya wanted to visit the Woodrow Wilson House and the National Cathedral.  At Jenya’s request, I also took her to the Holocaust museum.  It was intense, of course, and Jenya seemed to find it a bit overwhelming but very worthwhile.

Jenya at Holocaust Museum

The girls and I also had a nice visit with my friend Lynch and his two boys.  We spent the day at a local waterpark.  The girls got on well with the boys.  The twins had fun running around with his youngest, and Jenya bonded over ‘droid games with his oldest.

Jenya & Stephen

We also found time for Dale and Lunn to give the girls a lesson in guns and gun safety.  Our Wexford neighbors have teen boys who had been running around shooting bb guns in our neighborhood, so we figured it was high time the girls learned what guns really are, how they work, and how to handle them safely.

Gun Safety

All in all it was a very nice week.

Lestinas in Fairfax

Really Good Dirt

Harvesting good compost from the big municipal leaf compost pile.  We made several trips, filling up big buckets and bringing them back to mix with peat moss and vermiculite for the garden.  We've started our own compost, but it won't be usable for a good while yet.  And it also probably won't be nearly as much fun.


Building Raised Garden Beds

Big project over Easter weekend — Lunn’s parents came up to visit, and Lunn and Dale spent a good bit of time working on putting in a tiered series of raised garden beds on the edge of our steep hillside.

The girls and I have been planning a nice garden for the summer, and starting all kinds of seeds indoors.  We’ve been doing research on gardening, and settled on trying square foot gardening, with raised beds.  Lunn and Dale got a good start on building the first two beds, out of 4×4 landscape timbers, anchored with stakes and reebar.


Jenya’s Tennis

Jenya's been asking for more tennis lessons, and now that synchro season is (finally!) over, we have a bit more free time, so we've signed her up.   Unfortunately the nearest tennis place we know of is the Y in Robinson.  I couldn't get very good pix through the windows and netting, but you get the idea.  (She's the one in pink…)

Jenya Tennis

Jenya Tennis

Fashion Show

Fashion Show

Did our spring/summer clothes shopping for the girls at a great local consignment /swap meet kind of thing, called "Just Between Friends".  Sold off some of thier old things, and got quite a lot of new-for-them things — including the lovely new dress up clothes they are showing off here.

Party Time!

Synchro end of season party, and a good time was had by all.  Lots of dancing, music, food, and other goodies. 

Jenya won the hula hoop contest – she won her team’s contest, then went on and won the winner’s contest across all groups.  First time she’s gotten real mileage out of that skill — she even got prizes!

Hula Hoop Contest

They had nice presents for all the kids, plus trophies for all the Little Blades.

Little Blades

Junior Blades